Brothers and Sisters,

Mental Health First Aid Training

The Prince Hall Medical Foundation will be offering another training on October 17th from 3 pm to 8:00 pm. To receive your 3-year national certification you will be required to complete a 2-hour online course prior to the live Zoom training on 10.17.21.
Fee: $40.00 (nonrefundable as it will be a donation to the PHMF)
Link to register: (you will receive a separate email with the link to pay after registering)

We would like to take this time to congratulate the new Mental Health First Aiders:

RW Gregory R Smith Jr. (1) Deputy Grand Master
RW Dayequan El-Amin (14) Grand Trustee
RW Jeffery Spann Past Grand Master New Jersey
LaShay Klyes (14) Associate Matron
Milton Reynolds (99) Senior Warden
Sandra Ford-Kearns (23) Grand Trustee
Taya A Vilmar (76) Past Matron
Mikki Ealey (Nassau Chapter 718) Past Matron (67)

For more information contact

PM Tracyavon Ford (81) | 347.651.3300

RW Gavin M. Maxwell (76), President
Prince Hall Medical Foundation